What is Digital Asset Optimization?
You've probably heard a lot about SEO, but what about "Digital Asset Optimization?"
Numerous businesses reap significant benefits from applying fundamental SEO principles to standard website content. Maintaining performance in search marketing is helped by adding new content and attracting links, but is that all you can do to compete with SEO? No.
A holistic approach that takes into account all of a company's searchable assets that can be keyword optimized and promoted online is a natural progression of SEO. Web page SEO, or standard content optimization, can be extended to include a variety of media types that are increasingly prominent in both standard and media-specific searches, including audio, video (see below for five video DAO tips), and images. Digital Asset Optimization (DAO) can be used with a variety of file and document formats, including RSS, MS Office, Flash, and PDF, among others.
social media You can see that images, videos, and news results are included in the standard search results in the screenshot above from Google for the query "social media." Each presents an opportunity for improvement.
For businesses with a lot of digital assets, search engine optimization is already hard enough. It can be challenging and rewarding to optimize and promote those assets to bots. We use the term "Digital Asset Optimization" to explain to clients the new opportunities available to enable customers to search for client content.
For improved search marketing benefits, businesses without a lot of digital assets can use the many offline and online assets they do have. Repurposing offline content and digital media for online marketing is a common example.
Remixing and editing offline tradeshow or training videos, for instance, could produce online video, images, and text content. In addition to being promoted on distinct media sites like YouTube and Flickr, each type of media can be optimized for standard search engines like Google or Bing.
A video, in particular, presents numerous opportunities for media optimization:
The fundamental premise of good SEO, DAO, or whatever you want to call optimizing content is that "If it can be searched on, it can be optimized." Videos hosted by services like Vimeo or YouTube can be optimized. Videos hosted by third parties can be embedded into any web page, blog post, or press release about services. Screen shots of key moments in the video can be hosted on image sharing sites with links back to the actual video. Show notes can accompany the embdeded video to provide users and search engines with context and an explanation
The term "searchability" refers to an asset's ability to be sorted by users in search results after being crawled by a bot. As a result, there are opportunities for optimization and increased visibility in each kind of searchable content.
Beyond the use of content to generate sales and leads, the advantages of a more integrated approach to optimization and marketing can be realized. Customer service-related content, job listings, and news content are all examples of search types that can drive or benefit businesses. Each has its own audience to take into account and, as a result, a unique context for optimization.
The majority of businesses that make the effort to make it easier for search engines to find, index, and sort content will reap benefits in the form of increased sales, recruitment, news coverage, and lower customer support costs. That is the new opportunity for corporate content optimization efforts this year and in the future.
Companies with limited content resources can take advantage of additional online marketing opportunities by developing an interdepartmental method for matching the various digital assets to the appropriate promotion channels. It also gives businesses that produce a lot of content a huge advantage over their competitors. The development of the appropriate strategy, its implementation, and management are essential to the achievement of business objectives in any SEO or DAO endeavor.
Do you optimize and monitor search performance for other digital assets as well, or are web pages the primary focus of your company's SEO efforts?
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